A weekly review of news articles regarding the CSIRO discussion paper on the Ethical Considerations of Artificial Intenlligence (AI).
15 Apr 2019
Is AI a boom or a bane? Every technology in the world can be used to build something or destroy something and AI is shaping the world to something greater. In this week’s review, we turn our attention towards the recent CSIRO discussion paper on the ethical considerations of AI applications.
The discussion paper developed by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)’s Data 61 is made to develop a conversation on how Australia should use AI.
AI technologies should not rob us the freedom rights and should be built on the key principles and ethics
Movies have shown as the future or the world with AI. This gave us the idea of how the world looks like with AI and how it becomes a danger to us. Movies like 2001 A space odyssey is a great example of how it could become a danger.
Three fundamental issues that to be issued in AI for better is how data is used to develop AI. Most importantly we should know the situation on which we should rely on the decision making of man.
CSIRO Chief Executive, Dr. Larry Marshall, said as AI is increasingly used in our homes, workplaces, and communities, we must ensure it transforms industries and creates new jobs in the right way for Australia.
Case studies around the world helped the Australian to build ethics and framework on AI. Academic conferences like FAT/ML – Fairness, Accountability and Transparency in Machine Learning ( http://www.fatml.org/ ) also accelerates research in such domains.
Eight principles were made to prevent any harm involving AI. They are Generates net benefits, Do no harm, Regulatory and legal compliance, Privacy protection, Fairness, Transparency and explainability, Contestability and Accountability.
The next generation will be natives to advanced technologies like AI. The CEO of CSIRO’s Data61 Adrian Turner told that AI is already here and developing quickly. AI is used as a powerful general purpose technology. It helps us to solve the biggest problems like energy, health, aging, safety, security, climate, the environment in Australia.

AI is now in every field including governmental sectors and private sectors. These were included in these fields only to improve the quality of life and improve our day to day life. But the improvement in our life comes with a price of our freedom and basic human life.
Movies have the potential to change an individual person or a group whether it is good or bad or imaginary it changes our life. Movies like 2001 A space odyssey, Terminator, EX-Machina, Resident evil, etc gave us goosebumps on life with messed up AI. This made to believe that all AI will become self-aware in all movies.
Three fundamental issues that to be issued in AI for better is how data is used to develop AI, whether an AI system is being used fairly in, which situations should we continue to rely on human decision-making?
These ethics of AI was formed by looking at various case studies around the world. This case studies what went wrong and prevent any future issues. Eight principles were found to support and ethical uses and development of AI in Australia.
Generates net benefits: The AI system must generate benefits for people that are greater than the costs.
The discussion paper developed by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)’s Data 61 is made to develop a conversation on how Australia should use AI.
It was developed on the key principles and ethics for the better being of Australian citizens as a top priority along to achieve the best results and excellent service.
Feedback received over consultation period helps to improve AI over Australia and will inform government approach throughout AI ethics in Australia.
CSIRO Chief Executive, Dr. Larry Marshall, said as AI is increasingly used in our homes, workplaces, and communities, we must ensure it transforms industries and creates new jobs in the right way for Australia.
Australian national agency made to focus on ethics, social beliefs, and clear national benefits and made to solve Australians greatest challenges. These greatest challenges are always solved by applying science and technology.
That’s all for the week. We’d love to hear your thoughts on these articles and anything else data related! Email us at info@spectdata.com